I can't believe the animal section is closing :(( it was so sad when we saw that but since it was so empty we got to try on all the funny hats and take our time walking around and trying out everything you could do
like looking at the fossils up close and doing the AR dinosaur and feed it :))
Feeding the squirrels in Victoria Park was such a cute idea, although the pumpkin seeds we bought in sainsburys had no effect on the squirrels ( they have expensive taste ) the lovely couple gave us
some of their walnuts to feed to them. They were all so trusting and got up close to us, they sniffed your hand and took it from you it was adorable :)
Spending time around your family will always be such a fun time, whether it's with Kylen playing football, or with Cameron playing badminton. This time it was with all you neices and nephews as we played in the garden and walked throught the woods. You were a hero this day saving Buddy when he got
stuck in the ditch, such a heroic moment.